Step One: Answer a Few Questions
Mentorship Questionnaire
Financial Questionnaire
Legal Questionnaire
Career Path Questionnaire
Step Two: Match with a Mentor!
Based on answers to the questionnaire, the survivor will be assigned a volunteer mentor who will walk with them step by step throughout the design and implementation of their “Success Strategy”.
Step Three: Design a “Success Strategy”
Volunteer Mentors will work with survivors one on one through whatever medium the survivor feels most comfortable (email, direct messaging, video conferencing, etc.).
Together, they will design a “Success Strategy” detailing how they will get from point A (with need deficiencies) to point B (where all needs are met and the survivor has all the tools we can provide to reach their goals).
Step Four: Implement that strategy!
Continue one on one sessions, working together with their sponsor to stay on track and meet the goals set by their success strategy.
What we are able to help with.
Volunteer Mentors will work with survivors one on one through whatever medium the survivor feels most comfortable (email, direct messaging, video conferencing, etc.).
Together, they will design a “Success Strategy” detailing how they will get from point A (with need deficiencies) to point B (where all needs are met and the survivor has all the tools we can provide to reach their goals). More details on how we help youth reach their desired goals can be found on our “About” page!
The Mission of “Shared Abundance, Steve Arthur Carr Foundation” is to lead child abuse survivors and underprivileged youth to success through individualized youth mentorships focused on financial planning, goal setting and implementation, as well as resource acquisition.
Getting Started
Pick the reason you are here. Do you need help? Do you want to Volunteer? Do you want to get involved in other ways? Select what best suits you below.
The man who showed us the world, Who was there for us in all life’s’ struggles.
Our Father Steve Arthur Carr, has passed away. But not before he taught us many life lessons. We are not sure what this world would be with out him but we know we are going to do the best we can to help others in his name. Because that is the type of person he was.
“The Constructivist”
Like everyone in life Steve had struggles. He wrote about some of these struggles and how he dealt with them in his book, “The Constructivist”. Upon his passing, we were able to find a series of passages he had written and put them into a published work. Now, we use this book and all of our father’s teachings to help others so they do not never struggle alone.
Listen to our podcast where we talk about “The Constructivist” and how it’s inspired this nonprofit!
Donation and Sponsorship
Sharing is caring! Whatever you can give can help!
Self-Care Package Fund
List of what we include in care packages for youth in shelters. This fund is separate from the primary donations and goes ONLY to the creation and distribution of these care packages.
Self-Care Package Includes:
Shampoo & Conditioner
Tampons & Pads
Body Wash
Face Wash
Acne Care Products
Toothpaste & Toothbrush
One Time Donation
If you can’t make continued contributions, please consider making a one time donation!
$1 Silver Shared Abundance Contributor (monthly)
A digital copy of “The Constructivist” a book written by our father and the inspiration of this organization.
Notification of all publicly released videos, updates, photos, podcasts, etc.
$5 Gold Shared Abundance Contributor (monthly)
Pre-Release Monthly “Constructivist” Podcasts
New Merch Designs and Products as they’re released
An inside look at the work we are doing and the progress we are making including videos, photos, success strategy examples, and so on.
A digital copy of “The Constructivist” a book written by our father and the inspiration of this organization.
$10 Platinum Shared Abundance Contributor
Pre-Release Monthly “Constructivist” Podcasts
Merch voting rights (types of merch and designs)
Campaign movement voting rights (ex. Which school, foster care center, etc. we go to next)
Pre-release sneak peaks at new merch designs (and pre-order capabilities)
New Merch Designs and Products as they’re released
An inside look at the work we are doing and the progress we are making including videos, photos, success strategy examples, and so on.
A digital copy of “The Constructivist” a book written by our father and the inspiration of this organization.
$25 Titanium Shared Abundance Contributor
Pre-Release Monthly “Constructivist” Podcasts
Merch voting rights (types of merch and designs)
Campaign movement voting rights (ex. Which school, foster care center, etc. we go to next)
Pre-release sneak peaks at new merch designs (and pre-order capabilities)
New Merch Designs and Products as they’re released
An inside look at the work we are doing and the progress we are making including videos, photos, success strategy examples, and so on.
A digital copy of “The Constructivist” a book written by our father and the inspiration of this organization.
Pre-release updates on the organization, its members, the survivors we serve and access to “secret” events from virtual and/or physical locations throughout the year including award ceremonies, fundraisers, and more!
Our Team
Founders and Volunteers
Juliet Roberts-Carr
Alyssa Roberts-Carr
Steven F. Mitchell
Military Recruitment Advisor
We look forward to hearing from you! If you are reaching out to be a mentor or mentee, we will send you an email outlining the next steps. Thanks so much for being involved in our foundation. We hope to have a wonderful future with you!